Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cats? Mean?

Whenever I get on the topic of owning a cat with any average person I talk to, I always hear in some way that cats are mean animals! Technically, I wouldn't consider a cat to be "mean." Cats do have their own unique actions towards humans and other animals, however. You see, cats are smart animals and they don't let ANYONE or ANYTHING mess with them. I kind of admire them for that because I would honestly do the exact same thing. Who wants people to walk all over you?
If a cat doesn't know you or trust you then don't expect them to get along with you right away. This is mainly where people get the idea that cats are mean. My friends tell me stories about how cats have bit, scratched, attacked them. Sounds mean, right? Yet, every one of these stories have the same reason for the attack: the cat was a stranger to them. Are you picking up what I'm putting down? Cats aren't mean, they're just strong and protective of themselves. A cat can be the sweetest animal and one of your best buddies as long as you have their trust, but if they are not familiar with you they can see you as a threat and become your worst enemy.
Another reason people believe cats are mean is because of "how they lay around and glare at you as if they're planning to kill you." I've seen that look on several different cats, but let me assure you; they are not going to kill you! I see cats as extremely mature animals. They don't deal with anybody's nonsense and they do exactly what they want. Cats just have that death glare because they feel they are so much better than everyone else and they know they can't do anything about it. They're far too lazy to anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I find your love of cats so fun! At first I thought, "how in the world will she made that into a consistent blog", but you did! I really enjoy reading the posts; keep up with your posts and keep up the good work!
