Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas presents for your cat!

It's about that time of year to start Christmas shopping for all of your loved ones. But are you leaving your pet out? I'm sure they would enjoy a few gifts too, they don't want to feel forgotten! There are a few cute things you can give your cat as a gift. If your family uses stockings as a tradition, why not get your cat his own little stocking? Several stores sell animal stockings, or you can even buy a plain one and decorate it. Then you can fill it with their favorite cat treats, some new toys to play with, pretty much anything you think your feline friend would enjoy. Another great gift idea would be a new little scratcher! We all know how kitties love to scratch up our furniture. If you buy them one of these it'll keep them from doing that and they will also love it. Already have a good scratcher? Maybe you can buy them a new bed, or a new food bowl, or even a new friend. One can never have too many cats. ;) The ideas are endless, and the best thing about it is that your cat will most likely like anything you get them. 
If you're still trying to get some good ideas, here is a link to a site that suggests 10 good gift ideas that your cat will love:

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