Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Inner Thoughts of a Girl Who Wishes She Owned a Cat

I don't want to sound crazy or anything, but I love cats... The crazy part about it is that I don't even own one. HOW CAN ONE SAY THEY LOVE CATS AND NOT EVEN HAVE A CAT?! You see, when I was younger and I lived with my aunts we owned several cats; up to seven at one time, I believe. Cats really are the best pets ever. They're so soft and furry. They cuddle with you. They're smart. They're entertaining. They're everything you can wish for in a pet. But apparently my dad doesn't like cats and he's "allergic" to them. Well I think that's a lie, dad, because you were perfectly fine around those cats when we lived with your sisters! Anyways, we haven't owned any cats since we moved out and got our own house. Both my parents are "allergic" to them so there is no hope in me getting a cat while I'm living with them. I wonder if this yearning for a cat is what makes me obsessively love them so much. If I had one I probably wouldn't be as crazy about them as I am now. But a girl can only dream... Luckily, I only have about two years left of living with my parents and once I move out I can buy as many cats as I want! I can't wait until then. My cat will be the happiest cat in the world. He will be a Maine Coon and his name will be Bruticus. Until then, I will be a loser girl who wishes she had a cat.

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