Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cat Breeds!

Since you're reading this blog all about cats, I'm assuming that you are dying to learn about all of the different cat breeds! There are too many to choose from, so I'll just discuss the top five most popular breeds. 
Number one on the list is the Persian cat. Personally, this is my favorite breed. They have a thick, long coat of fur and a round, adorable face which makes them so irresistibly cute. They are also known as the most affectionate cats, so if you're looking for a good cuddler, the Persian cat is perfect for you. 
Next is the Maine Coon cat. In my opinion, this breed is definitely one of the most beautiful. Like the Persian cat, it has a long coat of fur, but also has a long body and grows quite large compared to other cats. They come in a variety of colors and often have stripes along parts of their body, which makes them so pretty-looking.
The third most popular cat breed is the Siamese cat. These cats have a slim, muscular body, shorter fur, and an interesting color scheme that they are known for. Because of their muscular body, they are good and jumping and climbing. The Siamese cat is known to be very needy for attention so make sure you have enough time on your hands to spend with this little kitty friend!
Fourth-Abyssinian. Their fur is short and consists of just a base color, instead of all the funky stripes and patterns. This breed is known to be one of the friendliest breeds of cats. They are very playful and active so if you're looking for a fun-loving cat, the Abyssinian is the one for you. 
Lastly, number five, is the Ragdoll cat. They are the most easy-going cats to own. They're so gentle and friendly that they often won't even defend themselves if being attacked. Other than that, this cat can also grow very large and weigh up to 30 pounds or more. If you want a lazy house cat, this breed is definitely the best choice. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Throwback Thursday

When I was a baby, my aunts found a stray cat and decided to keep her. She was so pretty, and her fur was all kinds of colors. They later found out she was pregnant, and named her Mama Kitty. When she had babies, my aunts kept all of them. Whenever we came over they'd have up to seven cats! Some of them would have babies, and some would run away, but they just continued to keep the cats, and the cats' babies, and the cats' babies' babies, and so on. I remember some of the cats they had. There was Pumpkin, Spike, Spotty, Butters, and so many others. I always loved going over there and playing with all of the new kittens. This family of cats lasted for a really long time. The last one they had from that family of cats was Butters, and he passed away about three years ago. I'll remember those cats forever, they weren't just pets, they were more like a part of our family.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Are you trying to decide whether you want to buy yourself a cat or a dog? I'm here to make things a lot easier for you. This question is an easy one to answer: BUY A CAT! Why, you may ask? Well, first off, cats are much more independent than dogs which means they are a lot easier to care for. When you buy yourself a cute little puppy you're thinking, "Oh, I get to play with him all day and I'm going to love him forever and ever"-no. As soon as the second day comes around, you're already exhausted. You have to take your dog outside all the time so he doesn't go potty in the house. He keeps you up at night because he's crying for attention. Every morning you find yourself stepping on a pile of poop he left on the carpet. You have to worry about taking him for a walk every day no matter how tired you are. And let's not mention giving him a bath... It's a pain to take care of a dog. Cats, on the other hand, are not a pain. Do you have to take them outside to go potty? No, they use a litter box. Plus, they know how to use it already so there's no need to train them! Is your cat going to keep you up at night? Have you forgotten that cats love to sleep? They sleep about 90% of the day, the worst they'll do is try to sleep on your face. Will you have to take your cat on walks? Have you ever seen someone walking their cat? I didn't think so... The best part about cats is that you don't need to bathe them. In fact, they HATE water. They clean themselves, so that is one less thing you will need to worry about. Are you still a little skeptical? Let's bring animal personalities into account. We all know puppies are ditsy and can make you laugh when they try to go around in circles chasing their cute little tails and whatnot. But let's face it; dogs aren't the brightest bulb in the box. Have you ever tried to play fetch with a dog who has never played fetch before? That is a big mistake. And how about when they bark at complete nothingness for minutes on end? That will drive you crazy! Well, cats are actually a lot smarter than dogs. They could be secretly planning to conquer the whole world and just maybe, if you get on their good side, you can join them. Cats are also extremely entertaining. Give me a cat and a video camera and you won't hear another word out of my mouth. They can climb things, they run fast and jump super high, if you get them to chase a laser you'll be occupied for quite some time. They fit into tiny spaces, jump out and attack things, and they also do this really cute arch in their back when they get scared. Lastly, cats are great cuddle buddies. Once they decide to sleep, they're out for at least a good hour or longer. They love to be pet so they'll snuggle right up next to you and the sound of their warm purring will put you right to sleep too. By now I'm sure you're convinced that it is clearly a better decision to bring a cat into your home rather than a dog. If not, then good luck with your new puppy! And more stress...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Throwback Thursday

So about five years ago, a stray cat came to our house and we fed it some food because we felt bad for the poor animal. And of course, by instinct, the cat would come back to our house everyday for more food. We let the cat come inside our house all the time because we loved the cute little thing. She was gray and black, and fluffy, and fat, but little did we know; she was pregnant. One day when we came home from school, we expected to see her somewhere in or outside our house, but we couldn't find her at all. There was a weird smell coming from my brother's room, so we went in there and found the cat under his bed, with five kittens laying beside her. She had babies. I was so excited. We eventually got rid of them all, but it was nice to own some kittens for a short while...