Sunday, September 16, 2012

Throwback Thursday

When I was a baby, my aunts found a stray cat and decided to keep her. She was so pretty, and her fur was all kinds of colors. They later found out she was pregnant, and named her Mama Kitty. When she had babies, my aunts kept all of them. Whenever we came over they'd have up to seven cats! Some of them would have babies, and some would run away, but they just continued to keep the cats, and the cats' babies, and the cats' babies' babies, and so on. I remember some of the cats they had. There was Pumpkin, Spike, Spotty, Butters, and so many others. I always loved going over there and playing with all of the new kittens. This family of cats lasted for a really long time. The last one they had from that family of cats was Butters, and he passed away about three years ago. I'll remember those cats forever, they weren't just pets, they were more like a part of our family.

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