Sunday, September 9, 2012

Throwback Thursday

So about five years ago, a stray cat came to our house and we fed it some food because we felt bad for the poor animal. And of course, by instinct, the cat would come back to our house everyday for more food. We let the cat come inside our house all the time because we loved the cute little thing. She was gray and black, and fluffy, and fat, but little did we know; she was pregnant. One day when we came home from school, we expected to see her somewhere in or outside our house, but we couldn't find her at all. There was a weird smell coming from my brother's room, so we went in there and found the cat under his bed, with five kittens laying beside her. She had babies. I was so excited. We eventually got rid of them all, but it was nice to own some kittens for a short while...

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