Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Inner Thoughts of a Girl Who Wishes She Owned a Cat

I don't want to sound crazy or anything, but I love cats... The crazy part about it is that I don't even own one. HOW CAN ONE SAY THEY LOVE CATS AND NOT EVEN HAVE A CAT?! You see, when I was younger and I lived with my aunts we owned several cats; up to seven at one time, I believe. Cats really are the best pets ever. They're so soft and furry. They cuddle with you. They're smart. They're entertaining. They're everything you can wish for in a pet. But apparently my dad doesn't like cats and he's "allergic" to them. Well I think that's a lie, dad, because you were perfectly fine around those cats when we lived with your sisters! Anyways, we haven't owned any cats since we moved out and got our own house. Both my parents are "allergic" to them so there is no hope in me getting a cat while I'm living with them. I wonder if this yearning for a cat is what makes me obsessively love them so much. If I had one I probably wouldn't be as crazy about them as I am now. But a girl can only dream... Luckily, I only have about two years left of living with my parents and once I move out I can buy as many cats as I want! I can't wait until then. My cat will be the happiest cat in the world. He will be a Maine Coon and his name will be Bruticus. Until then, I will be a loser girl who wishes she had a cat.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

25 Cat Facts!

No one can ever know too much about cats. Here are several interesting facts about cats that most people don't know:
1.The technical term for a cat's hairball is a "bezoar."
2. Cats make about 100 different sounds while dogs make only 10.
3.Every year, up to 4 million cats are eaten in Asia. Yikes!
4. Cats spend 2/3 of their lifetime sleeping.
5. A cat's brain is biologically similar to a human brain.
6. Approximately 1/3 of cat owners think their pets can read their mind.
7. The first cat in space was a french cat named Felicette in 1963, who survived the trip.
8. A cat's hearing is better than a dog's.
9. A cat can jump up to five times its own height.
10. Researchers are still unsure exactly how a cat purrs.
11. The largest known cat litter ever produced was 19 kittens; 15 survived.
12. The biggest wild cat today is the Siberian tiger.
13. In Britain and Australia, black cats are considered lucky, unlike here in the U.S.
14. Cats hate water because their fur does not insulate well when it's wet.
15. A cat usually has about 12 whiskers on each side of its face.
16. The ability of a cat to find its way home is called "psi-traveling."
17. A cat's jaw can't move sideways.
18. Cats almost never meow at other cats, only humans.
19. A cat lover is called an Ailurophilia.
20. One reason that kittens sleep so much is because a growth hormone is released only during sleep.
21. The oldest cat on record lived to be 38 years old.
22. A cat has no collarbone, so it can fit through any opening the size of its head. 
23. A female cat is called a queen or a molly.
24. Cats spend 1/3 of their waking hours cleaning themselves.
25. Cat's are North America's most popular pets. Even more popular than dogs!

My all time favorite cat video! :)

Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas presents for your cat!

It's about that time of year to start Christmas shopping for all of your loved ones. But are you leaving your pet out? I'm sure they would enjoy a few gifts too, they don't want to feel forgotten! There are a few cute things you can give your cat as a gift. If your family uses stockings as a tradition, why not get your cat his own little stocking? Several stores sell animal stockings, or you can even buy a plain one and decorate it. Then you can fill it with their favorite cat treats, some new toys to play with, pretty much anything you think your feline friend would enjoy. Another great gift idea would be a new little scratcher! We all know how kitties love to scratch up our furniture. If you buy them one of these it'll keep them from doing that and they will also love it. Already have a good scratcher? Maybe you can buy them a new bed, or a new food bowl, or even a new friend. One can never have too many cats. ;) The ideas are endless, and the best thing about it is that your cat will most likely like anything you get them. 
If you're still trying to get some good ideas, here is a link to a site that suggests 10 good gift ideas that your cat will love:

Sunday, November 4, 2012

How to care for your kitty

Sometimes your cat may get you a little aggravated. He might scratch up your furniture, or try to run outside when you open the door, or even get a little too playful and sneak attack you. Don't worry, this is all normal in owning a pet. It's not always going to be perfect. But with a little discipline, the furniture will be scratched no more. When your cat reaches the point where he knows your home is his home too, you can freely let him outside whenever you please and he will always return. And those sneak attacks... Well, you have to admit they're pretty cute.
It is a pretty simple task to take care of your little feline friend and make them feel comfortable when they move into your home. There are a few necessary materials you'll need for your cat: a litter box, cat food, food and drink bowls, and a good amount of toys to keep him entertained! After you have these, all you need to do is clean out the litter box every once in a while and refill the food bowls. Simple!
Unfortunately, caring for your cat doesn't require you to just buy a few materials and leave your cat alone forever. You also need to give your kitty some attention! Play with him, pet him, let him cuddle with you at night. Owning a pet is a much better experience when your pet is like a best friend. It is better for you and for the animal.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cats? Mean?

Whenever I get on the topic of owning a cat with any average person I talk to, I always hear in some way that cats are mean animals! Technically, I wouldn't consider a cat to be "mean." Cats do have their own unique actions towards humans and other animals, however. You see, cats are smart animals and they don't let ANYONE or ANYTHING mess with them. I kind of admire them for that because I would honestly do the exact same thing. Who wants people to walk all over you?
If a cat doesn't know you or trust you then don't expect them to get along with you right away. This is mainly where people get the idea that cats are mean. My friends tell me stories about how cats have bit, scratched, attacked them. Sounds mean, right? Yet, every one of these stories have the same reason for the attack: the cat was a stranger to them. Are you picking up what I'm putting down? Cats aren't mean, they're just strong and protective of themselves. A cat can be the sweetest animal and one of your best buddies as long as you have their trust, but if they are not familiar with you they can see you as a threat and become your worst enemy.
Another reason people believe cats are mean is because of "how they lay around and glare at you as if they're planning to kill you." I've seen that look on several different cats, but let me assure you; they are not going to kill you! I see cats as extremely mature animals. They don't deal with anybody's nonsense and they do exactly what they want. Cats just have that death glare because they feel they are so much better than everyone else and they know they can't do anything about it. They're far too lazy to anyway.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cat Breeds!

Since you're reading this blog all about cats, I'm assuming that you are dying to learn about all of the different cat breeds! There are too many to choose from, so I'll just discuss the top five most popular breeds. 
Number one on the list is the Persian cat. Personally, this is my favorite breed. They have a thick, long coat of fur and a round, adorable face which makes them so irresistibly cute. They are also known as the most affectionate cats, so if you're looking for a good cuddler, the Persian cat is perfect for you. 
Next is the Maine Coon cat. In my opinion, this breed is definitely one of the most beautiful. Like the Persian cat, it has a long coat of fur, but also has a long body and grows quite large compared to other cats. They come in a variety of colors and often have stripes along parts of their body, which makes them so pretty-looking.
The third most popular cat breed is the Siamese cat. These cats have a slim, muscular body, shorter fur, and an interesting color scheme that they are known for. Because of their muscular body, they are good and jumping and climbing. The Siamese cat is known to be very needy for attention so make sure you have enough time on your hands to spend with this little kitty friend!
Fourth-Abyssinian. Their fur is short and consists of just a base color, instead of all the funky stripes and patterns. This breed is known to be one of the friendliest breeds of cats. They are very playful and active so if you're looking for a fun-loving cat, the Abyssinian is the one for you. 
Lastly, number five, is the Ragdoll cat. They are the most easy-going cats to own. They're so gentle and friendly that they often won't even defend themselves if being attacked. Other than that, this cat can also grow very large and weigh up to 30 pounds or more. If you want a lazy house cat, this breed is definitely the best choice.